Why My Silly moral Code Won’t let Me blog about pet dog Food

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Why My Silly moral Code Won’t let Me blog about pet dog Food

Last updated on December 27, 2018 By Puppy Leaks 18 comments
I write about a lot of things when it comes to dogs, but food isn’t one of them.


And you wanna know why I don’t blog about pet dog food? because I’m not an expert when it comes to pet dog nutrition. pet dog food is a subject I’m not comfortable writing about, because I honestly have no idea what food is the best for your dog. I have a pretty good idea of some brands to avoid, but that doesn’t indicate I’m comfortable telling any individual else what they must be feeding.

If it seems a bit familiar it’s probably because I touched on it briefly in 5 pet dog Articles I’m worn out of Seeing, among a few other things that really bother me about pet blogs, but today let’s dive in a bit deeper.

Now let me clear up one thing – I am not speaking about general pet dog food posts, I don’t mind those & actually find them pretty insightful. Articles like “5 Superfoods For Your Dog” are fine by me, because they tend to be written by real pet dog owners sharing their own experiences with certain foods & brands. I consider those sincere evaluations – ones written by people who have actually tried the food their pimping.

The ones I don’t like, the ones I don’t depend on in any way and find unethical, are the very certain ‘best foods for insert pet dog breed here’ ones.

But looking at the new pet dog blogs that appear everyday I’m seeing a lot more & a lot more people who do just that – tell you exactly what you must feed your dog. but the problem is I’m not buying it, and I’m not sure you must either.

The kinds of pet dog Food posts I find Untrustworthy

There’s a ton of evaluations that I’m perfectly fine with, even if I suspect they’re written only with affiliate income in mind. evaluations about pet dog toys, harnesses or shampoo are fine by me because even if I don’t end up liking the product they’re not likely to have an impact on my dog’s health like a bad review about pet dog food can.

Food & nutrition, to me at least, is a ‘serious’ subject that shouldn’t be taken lightly. changing your dogs whole diet based on one review isn’t something to be taken lightly, and I really wish the people writing these crappy pet dog food posts understood that certain diets can have dire consequences for some dogs. They never even hint at the fact that slowly transitioning your pet dog to a brand new food is a good idea, they just say ‘hey this is incredible for golden Retrievers” and leave it at that.

But regrettably nutrition isn’t a one size fits all sort of subject, yet lots of crappy pet dog food evaluations treat it as such. but it’s not exactly true. There isn’t one single miracle food that will make every pet dog thrive.

Now when I say crappy pet dog food evaluations you might be wondering which ones I’m speaking about – and oh let me tell you about these lovelies. The ones I don’t like are the ones that are breed certain & undoubtedly written for the sake of targeting the keywords “dog breed + best pet dog food.” Catchy as they are I distrust titles like “The top 10 best Foods for Your Greyhound” & “The 5 best brands of Food for Your Beagle.”

And why don’t I depend on them? Why do I find them so unethical?

Well if you look at the about section of these blogs there’s no mention of them being professionals in that breed, professionals in nutrition, nor do they tend to have any real life stories of their own experiences with the brands they’re trying to sell. most times you can’t even find a photo of the author with a dog, let alone a single photo of their pet dog with the food mentioned.

Call me weird but if I can at least see photographic proof that you’ve at least had that pet dog food you’re reviewing in your possession at one time I’m a bit a lot more at ease. but if you can’t supply that why must I believe you’ve even tried it? and why is it okay for you to tell me to use it if you haven’t used it yourself?

Secondly you can find all the nutritional information they’re listing ideal on amazon – the place they’re trying to send you to get it anyway. now they do make it great & practical with their comparison tables & elegant 5 start rating system. I get it, they look nice, and it’s hard not to depend on a site that looks so professional.

But what they’re doing is spinning the stuff that other owners have already written about on amazon & making it into their own article. They’re hoping that when people search for “what’s the best food for my Wheaton Terrier” they’ll end up on their own articles so they can refer them to to amazon for some of that sweet affiliate income.

If you want to see some of the ‘crappy pet dog food reviews’ I speak of just look up the ‘best pet dog food’ and let google do the rest. It can be a lucrative topic to blog about – if you don’t mind selling your soul first.

Why I Don’t blog about pet donullnull

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