My canine evaluated positive for Lyme disease

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May is national Lyme disease awareness Month.

Lyme disease is an infectious disease transmitted by tick bite, many typically the deer tick. Particularly during the warm months numerous animals can be bitten by ticks carrying this disease. Lyme disease is many typically seen in the northeast and mid-sections of the United States, but has been documented in numerous other states as well. Lyme disease is many typically seen in dogs, as cats seem to be much more resistant to the organism. many animals that are naturally exposed to Lyme disease never develop any symptoms or get sick. for that reason if a pet “tests positive” for Lyme disease, it does not necessarily imply that a pet is sick or infected, or needs treatment.

For instance, many pets will get over the disease on their own but can remain positive on a blood test for months or years. numerous veterinarians have a easy blood test that can tell you within minutes if your pet has been exposed to Lyme disease. other laboratory tests such as a western blot or C6 blood test can be done; however, in my experience they are rarely needed in medical practice.

In the event a Lyme disease positive pet is symptomatic then antibiotic therapy ought to be instituted. signs and symptoms of Lyme disease in dogs can include:


Swollen glands


Limping (which can be a shifting lameness in different legs)

And occasionally kidney and heart/nervous system complications

In some situations involving Labradors and golden Retrievers, canine breeds such as these appear to have a higher genetic predisposition to the kidney form of Lyme disease when compared to other breeds. treatment typically consists of 3 to 6 weeks of antibiotic therapy, many typically Doxycycline, which can also treat other hidden tick-borne diseases. There are vaccinations available for Lyme disease; however, in my opinion and experience the vaccinations may not be effective and I am concerned about long term autoimmune problems. It is for this reason the best prevention against Lyme disease is using year-round flea and tick control.

Lyme Disease

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