PetMeds® Greta’s Sneaky behavior

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Greta sneaks, really and truly sneaks. She sneaks up on her other Dobie pals when playing in the yard, moving in slow motion, crouched down like “the Others” in the television show LOST. She sneaks up on squirrels, never making it within killing range, though she sure tries to move quietly enough. and she sneaks up on people at the door who ask whether we are happy with our current alarm system or ask to use the phone. This is odd to me. She barks at the UPS guy, the FEDEX lady, and the mailman. She gruffly huffs at new visitors when they get out of their automobiles in the driveway, but she is silent when people of questionable intent come to the door. She peaks around corners of the wall to get a look at these types of visitors and never makes a sound, surveying the situation. I was told by a trainer once that she is assessing the person at the door and making a decision as to what to do next. The trainer also said not to allow her to come up with a decision on her own and give her an immediate direction. We like to give her a command so the person at the door knows she is there anyway, but what if we didn’t? I can’t help but wonder what she would do? walk away? eventually bark? Do all dogs act strangely toward people of questionable intentions? Is it only a Dobie trait? Or is it a Greta thing?

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