Daisy celebrates the 45th anniversary of the moon landing

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This is my a lot of patriotic suit! I wore it yesterday to celebrate the anniversary of a substantial accomplishment. yesterday was the 45th anniversary of the Lunar landing on July 20th, 1969. NASA astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the very first humans to set foot on the moon. That was way before I was even borned!

I think I would have been ecstatic to explore the moon, just to see if it really is made of Swiss cheese. I might have been disappointed though, because my favorite kind of cheese is String not Swiss. Besides, what if there are ALIENS on the moon? I’d hate to have a close encounter of the Harley Kind.

One day, maybe a cat can walk on the moon. That would be one small step for a cat, and one gigantic leap for catkind! I’d better start preparing my spacesuit, just in case. good thing I already have some freeze-dried treats to pack with me into space, because I do not think I could eat a space Food Stick.

Do any of you remember the day of the moon walk? Was it exciting?

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