Cat outstanding Puzzle toy as well as treat labyrinth

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We’ve had a feline outstanding Puzzle toy for many years, as well as it’s a perennial preferred for the girls. I regularly put it away as well as when I bring it back out, it’s like it’s a whole new toy. Our good friends at feline outstanding provided us a new puzzle when I saw them at feline Camp nyc a couple of months ago, as well as I believed it was time to share this amazing toy with you again.

This is a super fun toy that will engage your cat’s hunting as well as stalking instinct. This sturdy cardboard toy is incredibly well designed. The clever insert creates hard to reach areas that cats can access with different shaped openings on the outside, making it much more difficult (and fun) for kitty than other puzzle toys. The insert produces three levels of increasing difficulty, using colors that cats see best. checked out our original evaluation here.

You can utilize treats (I suggest freeze dried treats) or little toys in this puzzle. We utilized the Barn Yarn toys.

This puzzle kept the women challenged for rather some time.

I don’t suggest utilizing the puzzle unsupervised, particularly with little cats or kittens, however then, I’m super paranoid about toy safety. While it’s extremely unlikely that a paw or the kitty’s head might get stuck in one of the holes, it’s not impossible, as well as I’d rather be risk-free than sorry. Plus, it’s so much fun to watch your cats having fun with this toy, why would you not want to supervise them!

The feline outstanding Puzzle toy is offered from Amazon with free shipping for Prime members.

*The mindful feline is a participant in the Amazon services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate marketing program designed to provide a means for us to make charges by linking to as well as affiliated sites. This means that if you choose to purchase with any type of of our links, we get a little commission. We only spread the word about products and services we’ve either utilized or would utilize ourselves.  

Ingrid King

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3 comments on feline outstanding Puzzle toy as well as treat Maze

Nancy West says:

July 6, 2018 at 10:14 pm

One of the preferred toy/puzzles in our house for a number of years. I believe we are on our fifth or sixth one!


Janine says:

July 5, 2018 at 8:05 am

It appears like the women are truly enjoying this puzzle


Angela Gosselin says:

July 5, 2018 at 2:18 am

Looks super fun, I’m going to order one for my kitties


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